Kodi is a popular media-centre application, that works on many different types of devices. iBox now supports live IPTV on the latest version (15) of Kodi. However, please note, our 7-day Playback feature is not currently supported on Kodi.
So what is Kodi Anyway?
Kodi is a free software application that runs on lots of different devices and allows you to view video (and other media) from a variety of different sources. It can be used on the following types of devices:
- Windows PCs
- Linux PCs
- Apple Mac
- Android phones, tablets & set-top-boxes
- Raspberry Pi
- Many more...
See the Kodi website for more details of its many capabilities.
How does iBox work with Kodi?
If you want to watch iBox inside Kodi, you will have to do a small amount of technical configuration. This is not difficult, and instructions for doing it are included, further down this page. You will also need a valid iBox account.
After you login to your iBox account on this website, you will see a list of options on your account page. Below this list there are 2 Kodi URLs you will need. (See instructions below.) These URLs are for your iBox account only, so its important you don't let anyone else use them.
After you have completed the configuration instructions below, you will be able to watch live Irish TV on Kodi & you will also see a full programme guide (EPG). Of course the device you have installed Kodi on will need to be connected to the Internet.
Instructions for setting up iBox on Kodi
- If you don't already have Kodi, download and install the appropriate version for your device, from the Kodi download page.
- Run Kodi and then click on the following sequence of items: System => Settings => Add-ons => My Add-ons => PVR Clients => PVR IPTV Simple Client
- You should now be looking at the 'PVR IPTV Simple Client' add-on information page. Click the Configure button on this page.
- This will display a 'settings' page with 3 tabs (General, EPG Settings & Channel Logos).
- On the 'General' tab, ensure the 'Location' is set to: Remote Path (Internet Address).
- Also on the 'General' tab, in the 'M3U Play List URL' field, enter the 'Kodi Play List URL' from your iBox account page on this website. (This is the page you see after you login on this website.)
- On the 'EPG Settings' tab, ensure the 'Location' is set to: Remote Path (Internet Address).
- Also on the 'EPG Settings' tab, in the 'XMLTV URL' field, enter the 'Kodi XMLTV URL' from your iBox account page on this website.
- On the 'Channel Logos' tab, ensure the 'Location' is set to: Remote Path (Internet Address).
- Also on the 'Channel Logos' tab, enter the following in the 'Channel Logos Base URL' field: http://www.ibox.ie/images/chan_buttons/
- When you are finished making changes on the 3 tabs, click the OK button on the settings page.
- You should now be looking at the 'PVR IPTV Simple Client' add-on information page. Click the Enable button on this page.
- To exit from the add-on information page, depending on the device you are using, either click the X to the right of 'Add-on Information', press the Escape key on your keyboard, or use the back button on your remote.
- Return to the home page of Kodi and then click the following sequence of items: System => Settings => TV => General.
- You should now be on the TV Settings / General tab. Ensure the 'Enabled' button is on. Then return to the home page.
- Finally, return to the Kodi home page, shut down Kodi & restart it. After this you should see a TV menu on the Kodi home page. Inside this menu, the 'Channels' and 'Guide' options will give you access to iBox TV.
Help with Kodi problems
If iBox is not working on your Kodi device (after following the instructions above) the most common problem is a mistake in one of the 3 URLs on the settings page mentioned above. Please double-check that these are correctly entered. If this does not solve the problem, please email us at service@ibox.ie.
Unfortunately iBox does not provide support for Kodi problems that are not directly related to iBox (eg installation problems). However the Kodi website has a lot of useful information, and also there are a lot of other helpful Kodi tutorials & discussion boards available on the internet. Try doing some Google searches to discover these.